Our Dog Scouts
"My dog should be helpful whenever he or she can be and I will utilize my dog’s skills to allow the dog to assist with certain tasks and become more helpful. I promise to have my dog learn all that he or she can." Dog Scout Law #5

Grace Geschwill
Dog Scout
Grace has been a Dog Scout since 2008, and earned her DSA Badge in 2009. She is a Certified Therapy Dog. Her favorite hobbies and activities include Agility, Nosework, Acting & Modeling.

Lily Smets
Dog Scout
Lily is s an American Pit Bull Terrier who joined dog scouts in 2010 and earned her DSA badge in November 2010. Lily is a certified therapy dog and a flyball dog. Some of her favorite things are playing disc, flyball, swimming, going to DSA events, modeling and giving kisses. She is also a spokes dog for Miami Coalition Against Breed Specific Legislation.

Clover Geschwill
Dog Scout
Clover earned her Dog Scout Badge in 2015. Clover also enjoys playing Agility and Nosework and is an accomplished model.

Ripley Irvine
Dog Scout
Ripley is also a long standing troop member. Besides being a Dog Scout, she is an accomplished Agility Dog and a Therapy Dog. Ripley is proof that little dogs can do it all.

Rebel Smets
Dog Scout
Rebe is a Staffy Lisa & Marchel brought into their home when he was 7. Since then Reb has learned flyball, and many tricks. He earned his DSA badge in February 2013 and earned his flyball badge in March of 2014 and made his family so proud. Some of his favorite things are doing tricks for treats, painting and being a lap dog getting lots of pets. He loves to learn new things. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

Bubbles Pajuelo
Dog Scout
Joined Dog Scouts in 2013. Earned Dog Scout title and Art of Shaping badge. Loves to play with her tennis ball and used to compete in Flyball. Thinks she is the mother of her kitty sister, Houdini.

Peanut Sanchez
Dog Scout
Peanut is a testament to what Dog Scouts is all about. Once the troop’s reactive wild child, Peanut worked hard and earned his DSA Badge in 2015. He loves spending time with his fellow troop members doing safety presentations, hiking, kayaking, modeling and anything else that involves getting more treats.

Jasmine Kostner
Dog Scout
Jasmine Taylor Kostner has been a Dog Scout since 2012, and earned her DSA Badge in 2015. Jasmine is a Therapy Dog. Her hobbies are: swimming, modeling, and visiting children in the hospital
Cadet Scouts
"My dog must be well mannered, so that he or she will be accepted in public places. I understand and accept responsibility for teaching my dog proper manners using non-abusive methods like positive reinforcement training." Dog Scout Law #2

Biscoff Pajuelo
Joined Dog Scouts in 2017. In progress of earning Dog Scout title. Earned Pup Scout title, CGC Puppy, CGC, Community Canine, and C.L.A.S.S. B.A. Enjoys stealing water bottles and playing with them.

Squeeky Myers
SqueekyBee is 3 years old and has been a Cadet Scout since 2015. She is a Certified Therapy dog and is her Mom's Service Dog. Her favorite things are chasing lizards with her sisters in the backyard and snuggling.

Katie Garcia
Our happy go lucky Boxer girl!

Jessie Diaz
My name is Jessie Jade but you can just call me Jessie. I’ve been a Dog Scout since September 2016 and have been working so hard on getting my DSA badge. Oh, and I am a Certified Therapy Dog with TDI, isn’t that sooo cool?!! I enjoy Rally, Swimming and Performing Tricks.

Jolie Volio
Bluetide Jolie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, will be 3 years old in October 2018. joined Dog Scouts in September 2016. She's working hard to earn her DSA Badge. She is her mother, Maria's ESA Companion and I'm very happy we can travel together. I have just been certified as a Therapy Dog. I enjoy modeling, playing with kids, and getting better at Rally Obedience.

Amo Fleming
Amo joined Dog Scouts in 2017. He’s a Certified Therapy Dog whose favorite pastime is performing tricks. He enjoys Agility, Rally and Obedience and anything that involves other dogs.

Sage Julia
Sage is high energy, she loves to play, and has a great sense of humor. She has been a dog scout cadet since 2016. Sage loves agility; obedience, not so much.

Jessie Berindei
Jessie has been a Dog Scout since 2016. She is also a Certified Therapy Dog since 2013. Her favorite activity is agility class and hanging out with Mom.

Lucy Garcia
Who does't love a Beagle? Beagles are one of our Troop Leader's favorite breeds.

Felice Wilke
Felice and Ruby have been active members of our troop since 2015.

Brina Romano
Brina Blu is a new scout member who joined DSA in February 2018. She recently earned her CGC. Brina Blu loves to swim, hike and cuddle.

Baci Romano
Baci Bear joined DSA in February 2018. She has earned her CGC. Baci Bear loves nose-work, Agility and playing ball.

Chaos Smets
Chaos is a Staffy puppy born October 2017. He came to live with us in December 2017 and is a work in progress. He is learning flyball and going to obedience class as well as DSA events. Some of his favorite things are training for flyball, playing roller disc, tugging, swimming and playing with Lily and Ebony.
He did his first modeling event in July.

Rocky Gardner
Rocky is a 10 year old Havanese, born on July 5th. Rocky loves playing ball and cuddling anyone who is willing to cuddle him back. He enjoys visiting the residents of Aston Gardens... giving and receiving love! Rocky loves to perform for others by way of sitting, pouting, dancing, staying.
Lucy Romero
Lucy, a Border Collie/Lab mix, started Dog Scouts when she was a puppy and she just turn 3 years old in July 2018. She loves spending time with her mom, Roxana, and doing fun stuff together. She is training for Dock Diving, as she loves to swi. She also loves to go hiking through the wood and taking long walks with her Mom.
Oreo Hain
Oreo is enjoying retirement participating in Dog Scout activities. She competed in many sports, her favorite being Flyball. In 2008 her team won first place in the U-Fli National Championships in St. Louis, MO.
Penny Hain
Penny loves the outdoors and going on walks. She likes to play with her toys and her family.

River Hanna
River is currently our youngest troop member. We look forward to amazing things from this little girl as she grows.

At the Rainbow Bridge
Never Forgotten
“Our dogs’ lives are much shorter than ours – let’s help them enjoy their time with us as much as we can.” - Dog Scout Owner's Motto